Thursday, August 12, 2010

"Learnings And Problems In Life"

There are many things that I have learned in this subject ICT IV.These are using,I have learned to differentiate URL and HTML,to post a blog,I have learned to manipulate more the internet using
In our daily lives we cant escape from problems in life.Like me I had many problems before but I took it as a challenge for my own welfare.I have encountered many problems like family,love,problems in my studies and sometimes financial problems.
All problems can be solve or all problems have their own solutions.I had overcome those problems by thinking that those problems that I had encountered will make me a better person that is how I addressed my problems.
"Moving on" it is the hardest way of overcoming a problems.But we need to move on.If we fail,we should move on and maybe there are more opportunities that will come.Or moving on with problems in your studies we should forget those problems and try not to do a single thing that will put you into a problem specially in your studies.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

"Take Care of Our Language and Environment by Loving Them"

In all countries we have our own languages.We should take good care and give importance to our own language and environment,so to be able to do this love is needed.Without this love we will not be able to give importance to our language and environment.
We all know that language and environment is very useful to us.Language is very important because it is the symbol of our country.The language of our country Philippines is Filipino.We should be proud of it.And also the environment,it is also important because we can get benefits from them.
So we must took care of our language and environment because we need those.As a person we must do our job and one of them is taking good care to our language and environment and for us to be able to do this job we need love.